CHI 2014: Sensemaking and Information in Use

Odin: Contextual Document Opinions on the Go by Joshua Hailpern

  • Odin: mobile solution to get through hundreds and thousands of docs quickly; UrLs, Google News, upload zip, streams like RSS; finds most relevant, most aligned, most divergent; does an executive summary based on sentence scoring; can go to statement in context; can get summary on any document
  • algorithm: topic modeling (rank order of topics) -> sentiment detection (sentence diagramming) -> aggregation (weighted distribution on ranked keywords)
  • user studies: pilot Odin vs Google News – preferred Odin all tasks, core process really solved the problem, extend for domains; comparative study Odin vs RevMiner vs Google News – choose own doc set then summarize, Odin and Google rated high on SUS, Odin had high value added to work, all participants said Odin was the best, summary is powerful

Monadic Exploration: Seeing the Whole Through the Parts by Marian Dork

  • when working with networks we can see micro (one node) or macro (the network as a whole); visual exploration between part and whole
  • monads: point of view on all entities taken severally and not as a totality; neither whole nor part, but a single element's perspective
  • principles: having (relational aspects), difference (distinct position), movement (navigate overlapping perspectives); could lead to many approaches; treat elements as vantage and navigation points + elastic layout, show difference! integrate search
  • current visualization puts monad detail at center, other elements in brief in ordered circle around at a distance based on relevancy and transparency for more distant relationships possibly as just a dot
  • case study: people found it valuable to draw themselves into the content of the network (based on highly cross-linked book on activation)

Photographing Information Needs by Zhen Yue

  • role of photos in data collection; ESM (experience sampling method) – use of photos for jogging memory to be less disruptive in actual moment in data collection
  • collect qualitative data periodically and optionally add a photo; end of each day, send a survey to ask for elaboration including photo to trigger memory
  • findings: 1/3 used at least one photo, women more likely to share photo, older people more likely to share photo; fewer photos shared after first day; photos led to more complete surveys; photos led to higher quality responses, but interrupted work for longer responses but didn't interfere with ease of use ratings; 1/3 of photos were useful and relevent to researchers, especially for clarification and disambiguation

Design Insights for the Next Wave Ontology Authoring Tools by Markel Vigo

  • ontology: logical actions that represent a field of interest; very complex and authoring is complex; very large; semantics, reasoning, inference; applied in critical domains like health; tools with poor utility
  • need to improve tools because ontologies are being used more widely including by amateurs
  • interviewed 15 ontology authors in different fields
  • recommend: provide overviews of hierarchy and complexity, provide filtering, increase situational awareness, bulk entry of large numbers of elements, retrieve from external ontologies, intelligent reasoning, evaluation features

The Role of Interactive Byclusters in Sensemaking by Maoyuan Sun

  • how to find relationships between elements in a large body of documents; visual analytics is useful
  • bicluster: cluster by two attributes simultaneously
  • Bixplorer: tool to help with interactive biclusters
  • user study: task – identify possible terrorist plots; 15 participants with no prior experience
  • findings: most started with biclusters, most found relevant documents and abandoned irrelevant docs; 1/2 of interactions was to find relevant docs; indicate potentially important entities; 1/2 of users created custom layouts using biclusters to label data
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