Daily Comics and Design Style

I’ve read daily comics all my life, and the Sunday Comics section of the paper is one of the only sections I read front to back.  In the last few years, many of these comics have become available on the Web, and I have a morning ritual of reading through a series of them.

A couple years ago, I read Understanding Comics and Reinventing Comics by Scott McCloud.  The books both deepened my understanding of the medium and the aspects that attract me, and also impacted the way I think about visual and communication design.  I’m a fan of idiosyncratic line, bold and artistic penmanship, and simple, flat but carefully chosen color.  I also tend toward the humorous comic strip, with smart ironic humor and a dose of current events.  But I also like silliness, and many related to the work of software.  If you’ve ever worked with my, you probably know those aspects in my personality.

Here is the current list of comics I read every morning on the Web. 

5th Wave (weekly)
Non Sequitor
Tom Toles
Improv (Scott McCloud has suspended this for now, but I read his weblog for pointers to things going on in the online comics world)
Sherman’s Lagoon
Pearls Before Swine (particularly the Zebras)
Rudy Park

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