Goodbye MedAssurant, Hello BoxTone

Yesterday was my last day at MedAssurant. Tuesday, I start as Senior User Experience Architect at BoxTone.

My eight months at MedAssurant were very exciting and productive. The company itself has many challenges it faces during its fast growth, but I wish everyone I met and worked with there great success.  I was lucky to have a greenfield UX space to build on, and some wonderful colleagues who will remain friends. A shoutout to Dave Norris and Dave Skender who brought me in and made it a great experience.

I now move on to a great new opportunity.  BoxTone is a mid-life startup with a great product, a strong senior team that’s been together for 7-10 years, and a huge chance to dominate the mobile device management market. I’m excited to become a part of the team, and I look forward to taking the UX of the product to the next level.  The current UX is a great baseline, with some of the best dashboard design I have ever seen in a real product: true believers in Tufte and Few.

It’s a very small world.  One of BoxTone’s primary contacts at RIM (the BlackBerry people) is SVP Alan Brenner who was my director at Rockwell in the early 90’s.

Finally, for a bit of comic relief… my last couple weeks at MedAssurant were busy and productive, but the process of leaving made me a bit reflective and goofy.  I came up with this 12-step program for leaving your company.  Enjoy.

Employees Anonymous

A 12-step Program for Leaving Your Current Job

Step 1: Admit you are leaving.

“Hi.  I’m <first name>.  I’m leaving the company.”

Step 2: Commit to finishing your current tasks, and stress the importance of sustaining the function.

I’m proud to have been a part of this, but I’m only a small part. You all are the real heroes.

Step 3: Continue working on your highest priority, most impactful task.

This will really help this company continue on its path to success.

Step 4:


Step 5: Meet one-onone with your friends and colleagues to provide advice and process the loss.

“I’m not abandoning you.  I just got a great opportunity.” “Prick.”

Step 6: Resist the inevitable loss of focus and productivity as you anticipate your next challenge.

“Dude, I can’t believe I was on Twitter and IM for nine straight hours.”

Step 7: Reflect on your work here and how it fits into what you will do at the new company.

“Man, I hope I don’t have to do this same crap again.”

Step 8: Rally your closest colleagues to renew their investment and energy in the organization.

“Good luck!” “We’ll keep the faith here.” “Hey, are there any positions open at your new place?”

Step 9:

Squirrel! Where? Really? Where?

Step 10: Provide honest feedback and advice during your exit interview.

“What would have convinced me to stay?  Hmmmm… a soda machine and a new CEO?”

Step 11: Turn in your ID and security badge to HR.

“I sure hope the picture on my new ID is better than that one.”

Step 12: Walk out the door with your head held high, proud of your work and intent on your future.

“Haha!  They didn’t notice the books, hard drives, and intellectual property I took home already!”

This entry was posted in BoxTone, Interaction Design, MedAssurant, Personal. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Goodbye MedAssurant, Hello BoxTone

  1. We are equally excited that you are joining us at BoxTone! See on Tuesday.

  2. Kevin says:

    Step 10.a, reject your counteroffer…

    Good advice…best of luck on the new job.

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