CHI 2014: Decisions, Recommendations, and Machine Learning

Customization Bias in Decsion Support Systems by Jacob Solomon

  • user satisfaction improves with customizability; is it a good design choice for decision support systems?
  • data -> system -> recommendation -> decision maker -> decision
  • some systems support customization; customization -> recommendation quality -> decision quality; is this always true?
  • customization bias: bias because decision maker has a part in driving the recommendation; reduce ability to evaluate quality of recommendation; supports confirmation bias
  • experiment: fantasy baseball; predict scores assisted by DSS; one group could adjust statistical categories used, other couldn't; recommendations were predetermined, no algorithm, and both got same recommendations; subjects received 8 good recommendations and 4 poor recommendations; 99 MTurk participants with fair baseball knowledge
  • findings: customizers had slightly better recommendations, but not the point of the study; customizers were more likely to agree with system; more likely to agree if recommendation was consistent with customization (confirmation bias); customization can enhance trust in system but trust is sometimes misplaced; ties decision making more to quality of recommendation (whether it gives good or poor ones)

Structured Labeling for Facilitating Concept Evolution in Machine Learning by Todd Kulesza

  • data needs to be labeled for machine to distinguish; people don't always label consistently; concept evolution – mentally define and refine concept
  • study: can we detect concept evolution; 9 experts, 200 pages, twice with 2 weeks in between; experts were only 81% consistent with prior labeling
  • can we help people define and refine concept while labeling? added 'could be' choice to yes and no to allow additional refinement later after concept refined; often didn't name the groups, so then provided automated summaries; forgot what they did with a similar page, so automated recommending a group; not sure some pages were worth structuring, so show similar future pages
  • study: 15 participants, 200 pages, 20 minutes, 3 simple categories; conditions of no structure, manual structure, and assisted structure
  • findings: manual structuring created many more groups than automated; also mad many more adjustments in first half of experiment, less later; manual structuring more than tripled consistency and assisted almost tripled; took longer than baseline to label early items, but not longer for later items; preferred structured and assisted over baseline; easier to verify recommendation than to come up with their own

Choice-Based Preference Elicitation for Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems by Benedikt Loepp

  • recommendation system: select items from large set that match interests; collaborative filtering is most popular and is effective; criticized because focus is on only improving algorithms rather than improving user's role and satisfaction in use; also at beginning have no data to work from; ratings are inaccurate, comparisons are effective, but choosing comparisons depends on preexisting data
  • goal: improve user effectiveness and control; generate a series of choices based on most important factors in a matrix factorization; items must be frequently rated, highly diverse choices, similar in non-choice factors
  • evaluation: balance automatic recommendation and manual exploration; test 4 different user interfaces – popular, manual exploration, automatic recommendation, choice based model; 35 participants using each method to choose six movies + survey
  • results: choice based significantly better than other models in all dimensions but required more effort than popular; good cost-benefit ratio; users felt in control; no profile or additional data required; works well for experience-based products

ARchitect: Finding Dependencies Between Actions Using the Crowd by Walter Lasecki

  • activity recognition: system recognizing what you are doing; eg help people who may need assistance in living; automated systems need a lot of training data, where people can recognize very easily; crowd source from Legion:AR; still many permutations in behavior that must be recorded and labeled
  • approach: define dependency structure to constrain meaningful variations
  • ARchitect: ask.yes/no questions about different permutations of action steps to build valid models; eg 3 videos led to 22 valid models

Scalable Multi-label Annotation by Alex Berg

  • multi-label annotation: identify aspects/objects that are or are not in an image; big in machine vision
  • detect 200 categories in 100,000 images; large set is useful to many areas of research; expensive to scale, so exploit the hierarchical structure of concepts; correlation and sparsity; kind of like 20 questions for MTurk participants
  • how to select the right questions: utility, cost, accuracy
  • results: 20,000 images from set, 200 category labels; accuracy 99.5%+, 4-6x as fast
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