Category Archives: Technology

Usability Woes: Maryland Health Connection

I’ve been hearing about all the technical problems on health exchanges since they launched on Oct 1. I was curious, especially because I live in Maryland- which is way ahead of the game and providing an example to other states. … Continue reading

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Raw Notes from 30th Annual HCIL Symposium

I attended the 30th Annual HCIL Symposium on Wednesday and Thursday. Unfortunately, I missed a few of the sessions because of work responsibilities, but I’ve included my raw notes below. I don’t have time to do all the linking and … Continue reading

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Notes from Washington Area CTO Summit

The Washington Area CTO Roundtable held their bi-annual Summit last night. BoxTone was a sponsor, and Alan, our CEO, invited me along because the topic was recent research in Human Computer Interaction. It was a nice event with about 120 attendees … Continue reading

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Post-Google Reader World Not As Useful

I’ve been using Fever for about a week now, and it’s been challenging. I’ve got it all set up and auto-syncing, but it’s just more clunky than Google Reader ever was. I don’t trust it; I feel like I’m missing … Continue reading

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Replacing Google Reader with Fever (I Think)

Anyone who works with me knows I send out tidbits of info and links that folks may be interested in. I usually get these from one of two sources: Twitter or Google Reader. I’ve been a user of Google Reader … Continue reading

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Windows Free Zone

For the first time since 1991, I no longer have a Windows machine that I use. Last year, I switched from a Win7 laptop to a MacBook Air at work. Last night, I replaced an ailing Dell media center PC … Continue reading

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Windows 8, RT, Phone will Flop

I’m going to go on the record here that Windows 8 is the new Vista (or Millenium Edition), and probably worse. All the thoughtful reviews I’ve read find it confusing to both new users and existing power users. I’m recommending … Continue reading

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iPad Mini No Canary

A while ago I posted that if Apple released a 7-inch iPad, it signaled a fundamental change since Jobs died. I guess I’ll have to eat that canary when they do release one sometime this fall, maybe announced on September … Continue reading

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iCloud TextEdit: Poor Man’s Cloud Storage?

After installing OS X Mountain Lion yesterday, I played with its new features a bit. Many nice refinements, but I was most intrigued by the iCloud integration. Each iCloud enabled app has its own iCloud storage sandbox. In playing with … Continue reading

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NASA Images of Storm Damage

NASA has published before and after pictures of Friday’s storm damage in the mid-Atlantic. Using Photoshop, I created an image from the differences in the photos, focused on the Baltimore-DC metro areas. It provides interesting insight into the extent of … Continue reading

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