Category Archives: Family

Goodbye, Dad. We love you.

My father, Robert “Bob” Jarrett, died yesterday after complications from his terminal prostate cancer. We were able to spend the last week with him while he was having intense oxygen therapy at Buffalo General’s medical ICU. For much of the … Continue reading

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Happy 50th Anniversary, Mom and Dad!

My parents, Marie and Robert Jarrett, truly happily married for 50 years today. We love you! photo from May 2017 courtesy of Sarah Jarrett, my sister-in-law A couple photos from their wedding day 50 years ago.   And from when each was a … Continue reading

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R.I.P. Midnight McJarrett, the Neighborhood Cat, 2004-2013

We put Midnight to sleep this evening. She was a really good kitty, and it’s quite sad for us. Midnight adopted us almost nine years ago when we moved into the house here in Baltimore. She was a nearly feral … Continue reading

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Marin in Her Christmas Best

Over Christmas, we got to spend a bunch of time with baby Marin.  For their Christmas card this year, Wally and Stephen snapped some photos and used this one.  She really is a little angel; it’s not just a costume.

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Virginia & Davee Are Married!

This weekend, we attended Virginia and Davee’s wedding in Ontario.  It was a beautiful, lavish, and personal weekend.  Thanks so much for including us! I helped build a labyrinth from 2800 macintosh apples Saturday morning.  For the ceremony, they entered … Continue reading

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The Jarrett Clan in Nags Head

T and I took a trip to Nags Head, NC, with my family last week.  We spent a wonderful, restful time on the beach.  My brother Chuck’s kids – William and Wesley – were the center of activity all week.  … Continue reading

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Meet Marin Elizabeth Hypes

Marin Elizabeth Hypes, daughter of Stephen and Wally – and our granddaughter – was born at 5:30am on Saturday.  7 pounds, 0 ounces.  Perfect health.  We quickly took a trip down to meet the beautiful little girl! Click the picture … Continue reading

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Wedding (cup-) Cake

Instead of a big, beautiful cake that doesn’t taste very good, Stephen and Wally had a tower of cupcakes from Warren Brown’s CakeLove. Click for a larger image.

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Stephen & Wally are Hitched!

Stephen and Wally got married on Saturday.  It was a lovely (if amazingly hot) day. Click for a larger version.

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It’s a Girl!

I can’t believe I haven’t mentioned this on here before, but Teresa’s son Stephen and his fiance Wally are going to have a baby in August… and today we found out it’s going to be a girl! No name chosen … Continue reading

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