Category Archives: Sales

Last Day in Sales

Today is my last official day as an account sales engineer for Rockwell.  It’s been a great ride, and I’m really glad I’ll be able to stay engaged with my colleagues and customers in my design role.  Folks are telling … Continue reading

Posted in Interaction Design, Personal, Rockwell Automation, Sales | Leave a comment

A Year in Sales

Today I celebrate my first year anniversary in account sales for Rockwell Automation. All of my previous work experience was software engineering, interaction design, team leadership, and project management. It’s been an incredibly busy and successful year. I’m thrilled that … Continue reading

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Two Months In, the Transition to Sales from Engineering

It’s been an absolutely crazy couple of months since T and I landed here in Baltimore.  If you’ve read previous posts, you can see that we’ve managed to physically and emotionally transition our home from Cleveland to Baltimore.  We’re three … Continue reading

Posted in Sales | 1 Comment

Career Transition: Engineering/Design to Strategic Sales

The big thing going on in my life over the last year or so has been my effort to transition from being a designer and engineer for Rockwell Automation to being a member of our field sales organization. As you … Continue reading

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