Author Archives: Jim

The Most Cynical Ticket

Trump and Vance. I can’t imagine a pairing that is more self-serving, power-grabbing, anti-intellectual… and dangerous to everyone. Neither of them care about any of us or about humanity. Both of them will do whatever it takes to stay in … Continue reading

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We have a garden in Columbus, Ohio now!

Design and construction by Seely’s Landscape Nursery. Jered Seely was wonderful to work with and they have an amazing variety of plant material and some beautiful large specimens. Virginia Burt, Walt Rickli, and Davee Gunn, thank you for teaching us … Continue reading

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Same ol’, same ol’

So the midterms didn’t turn out to be as horrible as I had feared. I guess it’s US politics as usual. Make no mistake, politics as usual here is not healthy. Not for individuals, communities, our nation, nor democracy itself. … Continue reading

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WTF Ohio!?!?!

J.D. Vance is the next Republican candidate for Senator from Ohio.The same day, a SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe v. Wade was leaked. It’s been more than a year since the insurrection at the Capitol.It’s been 5 1/2 years since … Continue reading

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Goodbye, Dad. We love you.

My father, Robert “Bob” Jarrett, died yesterday after complications from his terminal prostate cancer. We were able to spend the last week with him while he was having intense oxygen therapy at Buffalo General’s medical ICU. For much of the … Continue reading

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Unfortunately, I told you so.

With a violent coup attempt going on right now in our Capitol (uncoordinated, stupid, and useless, but still a violent coup), I still don’t understand how almost 75 million citizens could vote for this gangster… for a second time. Even … Continue reading

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VOTE, for the love of life, the universe, and everything!

When I reacted to the 2016 election, I feared for the worst. Even I underestimated the horror of this administration and the damage it could do to our country, our democratic values, and the world. Our only chance is to … Continue reading

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Happy 50th Anniversary, Mom and Dad!

My parents, Marie and Robert Jarrett, truly happily married for 50 years today. We love you! photo from May 2017 courtesy of Sarah Jarrett, my sister-in-law A couple photos from their wedding day 50 years ago.   And from when each was a … Continue reading

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“Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.”

J. Robert Oppenheimer, quoting the Bhagavad Gita, in an interview describing his thoughts at the Trinity nuclear test. As I watched the election results coming in last night, a feeling of existential dread began surfacing, and this story of Oppenheimer at … Continue reading

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UX Advantage 2015: Keynote – Beyond the UX Tipping Point: Infusing Design Into Our Organizations

Jared Spool, UIE – Disney magic band: most important UX event in 2014; completely changes your park experience; pre-choose preferences and stuff before you go, including kid’s favorite characters, birthdays, etc; $1billion investment – Disney used to stromectol have a … Continue reading

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