Happy 50th Anniversary, Mom and Dad!

My parents, Marie and Robert Jarrett, truly happily married for 50 years today. We love you!

Marie and Robert Jarrett, married 50 yearsphoto from May 2017 courtesy of Sarah Jarrett, my sister-in-law

A couple photos from their wedding day 50 years ago.

Wedding Day, 23 September 1967 robertandmariejarrett_23sep1967_1

And from when each was a teenager, Dad in Pennsylvania and Mom in France after WWII.

robertjarrett_teen marieseitz_teen

Here’s the notice in their local newspaper:

Robert Jarrett and Marie Seitz Jarrett of Bradford are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary today. They were married on Sept. 23, 1967. The former Marie Seitz is a retired homemaker, and Robert Jarrett is a retired engineer, the former owner of Jarrett Machine Co. The couple has three children, Jim Jarrett (Teresa McCoy) of Baltimore, Md.; Chuck (Sarah) Jarrett of Lynchburg, Va., and Rich (Cathy) Jarrett of Syracuse, N.Y.; as well as six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

Bradford Era clipping

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