Category Archives: South Africa

Farewell, Madiba

Nelson Mandela died yesterday. He was 95 and in poor health, so it certainly wasn’t a surprise. But he is a symbol of so much hope and compassion, of struggle and triumph. South Africans, including our dear friends the Sgwentus, … Continue reading

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Book Published! Nonzwakazi: One Woman’s Story in South Africa

I’ve been working with Ali Michael and Nonzwakazi to publish an iBook on the Apple iTunes iBookstore. It’s been approved and is available on iTunes! Ali wrote the book as her thesis between 1998 and 2000. It tells Nonzwakazi’s amazing … Continue reading

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Sipho is Class President

Sipho Luther Sgwentu has been elected president of his senior class at the American International School of Cape Town. Congratulations, Sipho!  This is just one of your many achievements to date… with even more to come!

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The Sgwentus on the Chesapeake Bay

Nonzwakazi and Boy visited us at the end of June.  Our friend Carl took us out to get some rockfish on the Chesapeake Bay.  Click on the photo below for a set of photos of Flickr.

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Another South African Friend – Bulelwa Mshumpela

When Nonzwakazi was here, we talked about another friend from South Africa, Bulelwa. She is on a Ford Foundation Fellowship somewhere, but we didn’t know the details. Google came through for us, and we found out she’s at Brandeis! Here … Continue reading

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Back to the Salon

Our conversation went on to a little bit of me telling her that I believe countries like D.R.C., Tanzania, Nigeria, Burundi, South Africa, and some more… When these got to be stable in terms of educationally and economically, just them … Continue reading

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Just Spoke to My Family

Boy is doing well, tired but missing me. Scared of connecting with his son – he does not want him to miss the opportunity of being fully here right now. I told him Sipho is gone out to swim with … Continue reading

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Hair Day

As we got out of the car, I ask my son Sipho to take a picture of my head from the back. I want to look at them sometime but not while I am here (U.S.). I know they will … Continue reading

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Great South Africa Info on CIA Factbook

The CIA has a great reference site, called the World Factbook, and it has wonderful information on South Africa. Very current, very useful.

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With My Friend From S.A. in the U.S.

Here is your introduction to our great friend, Nonzwakazi… I’m going to help her set up her own weblog, and she’s using mine right now to begin her story: I am finding the Deepest Beauty Princess again. It is so … Continue reading

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