Winter Storm Now, Blizzard Later

(Feb 10, 7:30am): Woke up to 8″ of wet, heavy snow with a small layer of sleet.  Still snowing.  Later today, the wind will pick up, and we’ll have blizzard conditions.

(Feb 10, 12pm): Still snowing hard.  Wind has picked up.  Think I’ll wait ’til its over before shoveling again.

(Feb 10, 2pm): Snowing less, blowing more.  T and I just shoveled another 8″-10″ from the main walk and the end of the driveway.  She also brushed off the cars.  Screw the sidewalks (for now).  We had an idea… crank the house heat up to 80 degrees, mix margaritas, put on our swim suits, and sit in front of the HDTV with a slide show of beach photos.

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